Murrieta Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in Southwest Riverside County.  There are currently only 152 detached properties with the Active status in Murrieta.  On average, 165 detached homes sell per month in Murrieta, which means that the inventory is less than one months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

Temecula Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in Southwest Riverside County.  There are currently only 175 detached properties with the Active status in Temecula.  On average, 159 detached homes sell per month in Temecula, which means that the inventory is just over one months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.


Escondido Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in San Diego County.

There are currently only 150 detached properties with the Active status in Escondido.  On average, 130 detached homes sell per month in Escondido, which means that the inventory is just over one months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

Oceanside Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in San Diego County.

There are currently only 112 detached properties with the Active status in Oceanside.  On average, 121 detached homes sell per month in Oceanside, which means that the inventory is less than a months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

Vista Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in San Diego County.

There are currently only 77 detached properties with the Active status in Vista.  On average, 72 detached homes sell per month in Vista, which means that the inventory is less than a months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

San Marcos Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in San Diego County.

There are currently only 42 detached properties with the Active status in San Marcos.  On average, 72 detached homes sell per month in San Macros, which means that the inventory is less than a months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

Carlsbad Market Activity, Feb 2013

Market activity showing why prices are increasing in San Diego County.

There are currently only 128 detached properties with the Active status in Carlsbad.  On average, 93 detached homes sell per month in Carlsbad, which means that the inventory is just over one months worth.   A normal market that is neither a buyers market nor a sellers market is generally between 5 and 7 months of inventory.

Keep Tabs on the San Marcos Historical Society

There are several ways to keep abreast of what’s going on at Heritage Park through your phone and computer. Yes, even we keepers of history have to get modern when it comes to keeping in touch. Mimi Kennedy, our new Vice President, keeps an updated email list of our members and friendsShe’ll notify you by email about your membership renewals and reminders about events coming up at Heritage Park throughout the year. If you’d like to be added (or taken off this list), please let us know. Email your information to us at

Bridget Lopez is the new chairperson of Publicity. She’ll be posting updates on Facebook, so look for San Marcos Historical Society and “friend” us to get our latest news. 

Steve Hall is our Webmaster and updates our information regularly including about meetings, events, activities and posts new photos. It’s also a place to find some historical facts and photos. Find us on the Web at


For those of you who still like to receive a hard copy of our newsletter, we’re making a sincere effort to send one out at least four times in 2013. If you are not getting one, it may be because you get the email version in lieu of a hard copy or possibly your membership has lapsed and we took you off the list. To find out, please give us a call and talk to us directly every Tuesday, Thursday or Saturday afternoon, or leave a message and we’ll follow up with you. 760-744-9025.

Save by getting rid of your energy vampires

Just because the appliance is “off”, doesn’t mean it is not drawing electricity. There are some items that cannot be unplugged like the refrigerator however there are many items in a home that suck energy while not performing their intended function. Coffee makers, electric toothbrushes, entertainment equipment are just a few energy vampires that are wasting energy when not in use simply because they are plugged in.
Incandescent lamps are another energy water. There are many alternatives on the market now that last longer, use much less energy and still put out the same amount of light.
Unplug and change out to save dollars spent on wasted energy. Get rid of those energy vampires.

What Home Buyers Want From Their Agent

What Home Buyers Want From Their Agent

1.   Help finding the right home to purchase. – Prior to searching for a property, we sit with our clients and complete a questionnaire with them to find out what features are important.

2.   Help negotiating the price. – Price is always negotiable and we help our buyers construct an offer that puts them in the best negotiating position possible.  This includes reviewing potential repairs and upgrades, items revealed in the home inspection, and determining the seller’s motivation.

3.   Help negotiating the terms of the sale. – There are many points in the Residential Purchase Agreement that allow protections for buyers. It is important to know the contract and help the buyer make the right choices, offering them the most protection as well as making the offer appear to be the BEST that the seller has seen.

4.   Determining what comparable homes are selling for. – Before writing an offer with a buyer client, we provide a Comparative Market Analysis, which includes similar properties of similar size in the same area that have sold recently.

5.   Assisting with paperwork. – We spend at least an hour with our buyer clients reviewing the entire home buying process prior to seeing homes.  This includes a review of the purchase contract as well as disclosures about agency, REOs and Short Sales.  We work side by side with our buyers for the entire term of the escrow ensuring proper disclosures are obtained from the seller in a timely fashion.  At the end of the transaction, we provide a CD with PDFs of all transaction documents.