Inspection Process When Purchasing a Home


When making an offer on a property using a California Purchase Contract, there will be provisions in that contract allowing the buyer to complete various inspections on the property.  The purpose of these inspections is to educate the buyer(s) as to the current physical condition of the property to be purchased. While these inspections do not provide guarantees of the condition of the property, they do provide valuable information regarding the current state of the property and potential defects that might to be addressed.  It is important to remember that the Purchase Contract may provide for withdrawal from the contract if these reports are unsatisfactory to you, but inspections should not be considered an open door to renegotiate the purchase price.  There are two inspections common to most real estate transactions and those are;

(1) A STRUCTURAL PEST CONTROL  INSPECTION. Often referred to as a “Termite Report,” the Structural Pest  control Inspection is conducted by a state licensed Inspector.

(2) A PHYSICAL INSPECTION. The Physical Inspection is an inspection of all major systems on the property by a certified home inspector with CREIA or ASHI credentials and can lead to more specific inspections by licensed professionals.

Time Travelers Poker run to benefit the San Marcos Historical Society

Mark your calendars and sign up for the “Time Travelers” car show and poker run on May 6th.  Visit for details and an entry form.  This is a great opportunity to learn something about the history of San Marcos, CA and have a great time with friends and neighbors.

We share our talents……

Kiwanis was coined from the American Indian expression “Nunc Kee-wanis” and means “we trade” or “we share our talents.”

Kiwanis is a worldwide community service organization made up of organized volunteers dedicated to changing the world, one child and one community at a time. There are many clubs and some cities have several clubs.  Check the Kiwanis Int’l website to locate a club that fits your need to support your community.

The Kiwanis Club of San Marcos has performed countless community service projects from helping to restore local historic homes to supplying books to kindergarten students through the Early Literacy Program.   Our club meets Friday mornings from 7:15 until 8:30 at Simply Ambrosia.  For those that prefer to meet in the evenings, starting in October, we will have one meeting per month in the evening at a different location.

If you believe community service has a place in your life and you would like to make a real impact in your community, then Kiwanis could be the place for you.